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Who do I contact for support?

Please contact your charity representative, or for further assistance, contact: Blue Nose Marathon at charitychallenge@bluenosemarathon.com or 902.496.1889

Should I create a Fundraising Team? How do I set up or join a Fundraising Team?

Fundraising Teams should only be created for a charity if separate tracking is required, or if you would like to fundraise with your family or friends. All donations, whether you fundraise as an individual or as part of a team, will be directed to your charity of choice. To set up a fundraising team: Log into your RaceRoster […]

Are pets, child strollers and other equipment allowed on the race route?

To ensure our race events are safe for all participants, please note that baby joggers and strollers, baby backpacks/carriers, pets (whether on or off leash), roller blades, inline skates, scooters, skateboards, rickshaws and bicycles will not be permitted on the race route. Non-compliance with these safety rules will result in disqualification. Please Note: We only […]

Can I run with my child?

We recognize that for safety, age, or other requirements, an adult may want to run with their child, and we leave this to the parent/guardian’s discretion. If you need to accompany your child, you will be required to submit your name when registering your child. If there are no special requirements, we encourage adults to […]